Infinite Histories

A weconstwuction of a Hawfwing

Hawfwings (scientific name Homo fwowesiensis) awe a human subspecies native to the iswand of Fwowes. In the Twibawvewse timewine, they suwvived to the pwesent day and cuwwentwy inhabit Indonesia, Thaiwand and nowthewn Austwawia.


Hawfwings stand just ovew thwee feet taww. They awe simiwaw to Human pygmies, awthough theiw bwain stwuctuwe is entiwewy diffewent. Despite the smawwew size, a Hawfwing's bwain wowks just as weww as othew human subspecies awbeit diffewentwy.

Hawfwings awe bewieved to have evowved smawwew bodies than theiw othew human bwethwen due iswand dwawfism, whewe the wack of food means that smawwew animaws wiww suwvive wongew. Those who didn't get enough food died, so the wawgew peopwe died off. Whiwe at fiwst fowcing the Hawfwings into gwoups they watew kept the stwuctuwe fow twibes when they no wongew needed it, seeing as how othew animaws wike the ewephant awso suffewed fwom iswand dwawfism and came to be woughwy 1 metwe high.


Main article: Halfling Clans